Below are some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) we receive. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, feel free to contact us.

Is SkyMedia Licensed & Qualified to Operate Commercially?

Yes, SkyMedia is fully licensed and qualified to operate commercially in Australia. We have permission from the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA), the governing body for aviation in Australia. Our pilots hold Controller Certificates (RPAS Qualification for flying unmanned aerial vehicles, UAVs), and SkyMedia holds an Operator’s Certificate (OC). Both licences are mandatory for commercial operations in Australia.

Is SkyMedia Fully Insured?

Yes, SkyMedia is fully insured with $20 million in public liability cover, provided we adhere to the operational guidelines and rules established by CASA. This ensures that both our operations and clients are protected.

What Weather Conditions Can’t You Fly In?

We cannot operate our UAVs in the rain, as it compromises safety and equipment integrity. Strong winds can also be challenging, though our advanced stabilising technology mitigates some of these risks.

How Close Can You Fly to the Public?

We are one of few operators in Australia to have an Operations Over People Instrument – speak to us to find out what this means for your shoot

Can You Fly at Night?

Yes, SkyMedia has an exemption from CASA that allows us to operate at night, offering greater flexibility for various projects. Check out our showreel for some great examples.

How Many People Are Required to Operate the Equipment?

Our UAV operations require two professionals from our team: a qualified UAV pilot to navigate the drone and a second operator to manage the camera and capture video.

How Long Can You Fly For?

Each UAV can fly for approximately 15 minutes on a single battery charge. After that, we need to land and replace the battery before resuming operations.

What is the Maximum Flying Height?

CASA regulations stipulate that we must not fly higher than 400ft. However, we can apply for an extended height limit on a job-by-job basis if necessary. For projects requiring flights above 1000ft, we switch to a fixed-wing aircraft.

What is the Range & Speed of the UAV?

Our UAVs have a range of approximately 500 metres, allowing us to cover a 1km radius while maintaining line of sight, depending on the terrain and buildings. The UAV’s maximum speed is about 60km/h.

Does SkyMedia Hire Out Its Equipment to Third Parties?

No, we do not hire out our equipment to third parties. Each pilot must be certified and licensed by CASA, and all operations are conducted by our in-house team to ensure compliance and safety.